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Origin of the Christmas Posadas: "The Aztecs celebrated with pomp the birth of Huitzilopochtli, and this ceremony was precisely at Christmas time."

The inns began in 1587, in the village of San Agustín Acolman, 40 kilometers from Teotihuacan, when Fray Diego de Soria obtained a permit issued by the then Pope Sixtus V in which condescended celebration in New Spain Masses of Christmas.

These liturgies which serve to evangelize the Indians took place from 16 to 24 December in the courts of the temples. These ceremonies are used to merge passages and scenes representing the Nativity. Using the inclusion of gunpowder on Mexican soil, the festivities were lit sparklers, rockets; and piñatas, songs and carols.

However, this form of Christianize the natives of Teotihuacan was not entirely unknown to the people. While the Spanish and parts of Europe waited allegory birth of Jesus, the people of Anahuac (Mexico City), prepared simultaneously for the Child Sol. What happened that similarity to the Catholic fashioned?

The researcher Germán Andrade Labastida discovered in 1942 that "The Aztecs celebrated with pomp tada birth of Huitzilopochtli (" Southern Hummingbird "or" left Hummingbird "), and this ceremony was precisely at Christmas time, night and day next was a party in every house where guests are regaled hearty food and small statuettes or idols made of blue corn, roasted and ground, mixed with honey black maguey ".

Indeed, every year, on the first day of Panquetzaliztli (fifteenth month of Nahuatl calendar of 365 days), a cult was done in honor of the god Huitzilopochtli, Children Sol, to solemnize his birth on December 21.

According to Amaranta Leyva, "the ceremony began with a race led by a very fast runner he was carrying in his arms a figure of Huitzilopochtli made of amaranth and on her head a flag (pantli) blue (texuhtli)".

Huey began in Teocali (big house of the sun) and reached Tacubaya, Coyohacan (Coyoacán) and Huitzilopochco (Churubusco). Ported behind this picture ran a crowd that had been prepared with fasting.

During the Winter Solstice (December 21), the sun had traveled the sky and died on December 20. El Niño Sol was to Mictlan (Place of the Dead) where it is transmuted shaped hummingbird to return to origin.

Coincidentally, December 24th was the day when the sun reemerged Malinalco (now head of the State of Mexico), amid a series of rituals and dances.

Just at that time, other ceremonial events occurred: Indians settled flags or pantli of amare role to all fruit trees and edible plants of the season. On the day of the party all the trees were cured and were ofrendaba pulque (meoctli) and tortillas (tlaxcalli) as a token of appreciation to the harvested during the year.

Historians and specialists in pre-Hispanic culture of Mexico, emphasize that this cult it is an analogy with the inns when breaking the piñata or the distribution of the collation.

From these similarities, the Augustinian friars to easily availed evangelize the descendants of Axtlán (mythical place where they came from). It was thus honored religious acts to enable it to recognize, as soon as the new religion.

In his writings memorials in 1541, Fray Toribio de Motolinía narrated that for Christmas celebrations, indigenous churches adorned with flowers and herbs; Sedge scattered on the floor, made their entry dancing and singing and each carried a bouquet of flowers in hand. In the eighteenth century, the celebrations took more strength in neighborhoods and homes and religious music was replaced by the popular song, but not stopped performed in temples.

Among carols, piñatas and celebration, the inns are part of the ancestral spirit of Mexican culture.

Currently, the genesis of this celebration is almost forgotten. There are only descriptions in books, or the pleasant stories of grandparents who had the opportunity to experience the inns in splendor.

(* Source: Francisco Emilio Pineda) Additional information about the origin of the Catholic Christmas

Did you know ?:

Sol Invictus ("the unconquered sun") or in full, Deus Sol Invictus (Latin for "invincible sun god") was a religious title applied to at least three different divinities during the Roman Empire.

The Festival of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) was celebrated when daylight increased after the winter solstice, in allusion to the "rebirth" of the sun. This Festival ran from 22 to 25 December. This date was chosen by Constantine the Great and the birth of Jesus, and can reveal a syncretism of pagan religions who produced their influence in Christian mythology; since Constantine the Great was, from young follower of Sol Invictus.

Christmas comes from the Latin word nativitas (Nativity) which means birth and particularly relates to the birth of Christ is celebrated every December 25, however, nowhere in the Bible the exact date of Jesus' birth is mentioned. [1]

