Welcome to Calmecac Anahuac! The mission of Calmecac Anahuac is simple: Host an online community of people who are working together to reconstruct the knowledge of Anahuac to allow us to continue our cultural heritage that was interrupted in 1492 and 1519 with the arrival of the Spaniards. Together we will study within the following four frameworks: Tlaahcicacaquiliztli (wiki), Tonalpohualli (calendar), Amoxtin (books), and Tlahtolli (language learning software). We will study with the understanding that accurate knowledge can be achieved only with the cross-referencing of evidence from multiple sources such as linguistics, Pre-Cuauhtemoc codices, Post-Cuauhtemoc primary sources, archaeology, modern ethnographies, and modern science. In addition to using the knowledge attained for cultural continuity, we will also use this knowledge to critically analyze secondary sources to measure their validity. Sections of this Website Tlaahcicacaquiliztli - this section is composed of a wiki which is used to allow people to jointly construct knowledge related to Anahuac using various sources. Everything written within the wiki must have a citation. Tonalpohualli - this section is composed of a calendar correlation using the Ochoa count. To date, the Ochoa count is the calendar correlation with the most evidence supporting it. In this section you will find correlated days, trecenas, veintenas, and years. Amoxtin - this section is composed of downloadable books in pdf format that are referenced in the wiki and tlahtolli sections. Tlahtolli - this section is composed of language classes offered by various instructors. The goal is to start with Classical Nahuatl and then add other Anahuaca languages. Functionality allows instructors to integrate pdf, audio, video, chat, forum, and images for a dynamic learning experience. If you are interested in teaching a language class, please select "create training" when you are registering. If you are interested in joining a language class as a student, please select "follow training" when you are registering. Tlahcuiloa - this section is composed of a blog where new research articles will be posted. www.calmecacanahuac.com/blog