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Today in the Mexica Tonalpohualli, also known as the Aztec Calendar




13-day period


20-day period


solar year

* If you were born between 12am and before sunrise (Central Time), use the previous Gregorian day because days in the Azteca/Mexica calendar start at sunrise.

(Correlation: Ruben Ochoa)

The significance of this day

The second day sign which set in was named One Ocelot. When it set in, it was said to be an evil day sign, one of fierce beasts. It bore with it and presided over all its series of thirteen, which belonged to it: Two Eagle, Three Vulture, Four Motion, Five Flint Knife, Six Rain, Seven Flower, Eight Crocodile, Nine Wind, Ten House, Eleven Lizard, Twelve Serpent, and Thirteen Death. (Florentine Codex, Dibble and Anderson, bk 4, page 5-7


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