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This is in reference to a 13 day period. The trecena is the reference point at which we find day signs.

Heading text

Number Trecena Teotl
1 1 Cipactli Tonacatecuhtli
2 1 Ehecatl Quetzalcoatl
3 1 Calli Tepeyollotl, Quetzalcoatl
4 1 Cuetzpallin Huehuecoyotl or Macuilxochitl
5 1 Coatl Chalchiuhtlicue and Tlazolteotl
6 1 Miquiztli Tonatiuh and Tecuciztecatl
7 1 Mazatl Tlaloc and Chicomecoatl o 4 Ehécatl
8 1 Tochtli Mayahuel and Xochipilli or Cinteotl
9 1 Atl Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli or Xiuhtecuhtli
10 1 Itzcuintli Mictlantecuhtli
11 1 Ozomatli Patecatl and Cuauhtliocelotl
12 1 Malinalli Itztlacoliuhqui
13 1 Acatl Tezcatlipoca or Uactli and Ixcuina or Tlazolteotl
14 1 Ocelotl Tlazolteotl
15 1 Cuauhtlil Xipe Totec and Quetzalcoatl
16 1 Cozcacuauhtli Itzpapalotl
17 1 Ollin Xolotl and Tlalchitonatiuh or 4 Ollin
18 1 Tecpatl Chalchiuhtototl
19 1 Quiahuit Tonatiuh
20 1 Xóchitl Xochiquetzal and Tezcatlipoca