Mictlan - also known as Ximoayan (the place of the fleshless) is the underworld which is made up of nine levels. These nine levels are below the Earth. When a person dies, their soul is believed to descend to Mictlan and it is there that they will pass through the nine levels. The people who meet this fate are cremated. In each of these levels there is an obstacle which will impede their journey. If a person successfully avoids these obstacles and reaches the 9th level Chiconamictlan, they will finally be able to rest. The entire journey takes four years and the dead persons family conducts funerary rites periodically in order to assist them through their journey. Dogs are believed to have a special knowledge to Mictlan and they are cremated with the deceased person in order to guide them through their journey.

There are certain instances when manifestations of Ometeotl will choose a person to join in their celestial heaven by giving them a sacred death.

Tlalocan - One such instance is when a person is killed by way of lightning, drowning, or water related diseases such as dropsy. These individuals chosen by Tlaloc were not cremated but buried. When someone dies in this manner, they are believed to have been taken by Tlaloc to live eternity in the celestial gardens of Tlalocan. Tlalocan is described as: "the earthly paradise " where there are plentiful gardens of nourishment.

Tonatiuhilhuicac - is another place where the dead went if they were chosen by Tonatiuh, the sun. Tonatiuhilhuicac is located in the 3rd level of the heavens. People who died in battle or by sacrifice or women who died in childbirth ( the Mocihuaquetzque) were the ones chosen to enter this heaven. The men would accompany the sun from sunrise to noon, while the women would accompany the sun from noon to sunset. The fallen warriors, after four years of accompanying the sun would be reincarnated into celestial hummingbirds where "they would sip of all of the flowers of heaven as well as of earth." They would accompany the sun and sing war songs at its side. The women who die during childbirth were deified as the Cihuateteo (divine women), the dual force of Huitzilopochtli. These women are extremely sacred and they forever reside in Cihuatltlampa "toward the region of the women" in the west. "It was the region from which the women who had died in childbirth, the "divine women" would go out to greet the sun."

Chichihuacuauhco - is the fourth and final destination after death. Chichihuacuauhco means "in the wet-nurse tree" and it is where the children who died before reaching the age of reason would go. There they were nourished by the milk which fell in drops from the tree. Chichihuacuauhco is situated in the house of Tonacatecuhtli "Lord of our Flesh." “It is said that the little children who died, like jade, turquoise, and jewels, do not go to the frightful and cold region of the dead [Mictlan]. They go to the house of Tonatecuhtli; they live by the "tree of our flesh." They nourish themselves on the tree of our sustenance; they live near the "tree of our flesh"; from it do they feed themselves.” (Codice Florentino, Paso, page 105)

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Academia Semillas del Pueblo

"If Brown (vs. Board of Education) was just about letting Black people into a White school, well we don’t care about that anymore. We don’t necessarily want to go to White schools. What we want to do is teach ourselves, teach our children the way we have of teaching. We don’t want to drink from a White water fountain...We don’t need a White water fountain. So the whole issue of segregation and the whole issue of the Civil Rights Movement is all within the box of White culture and White supremacy. We should not still be fighting for what they have. We are not interested in what they have because we have so much more and because the world is so much larger. And ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction. And so it isn’t about an argument of joining neo liberalism, it’s about us being able, as human beings, to surpass the barrier."

- Marcos Aguilar (Principal, Academia Semillas del Pueblo)


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