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Tae Bo is an ingenious combination of martial arts and high-impact aerobics which results in the maximum amount of weight loss. Exercise with the "Tae Bo 8 Minute Workout" and you will lose 300-800 calories (the more you weight, the more you will lose) in 30 minutes. One pound of fat is composed of 3,500 calories; therefore burn 3,500 calories and you will lose one pound. It is possible to lose weight/stay healthy without resorting to wasicu diets which are essentially designed to starve the body of essential vitamins and minerals.

Our ancestors were able to create the most efficient diet in the world. The Europeans have labeled our 3 most important crops: "The Dietary Triad" which is comprised of corn, beans and squash. The vitamins and minerals contained in these three crops is adequate to sustain the human body and requires only the addition of vitamin c to create a perfect balance in the body. It is due to the diffusion of these main crops that the worlds population has exploded. The "Dietary Triad" is a tremendous feat which has been unmatched by any in the world. Unlike the Europeans and other peoples, our ancestors had no need to domesticate animals as we had enough with our crops. This is the reason our people had almost no diseases when the Europeans invaded and this is why the Europeans had hundreds of diseases which spread quickly amongst our healthy population and decimated the entire continent of Anahuak. Animals are filthy and harbor many diseases which over the years, mutated and attacked the people of the "Old World". It is not to say that we did not domesticate animals because we did; but not for the sole pupose of consumption. In the entire continent of Anahuak, only two animals were ever domesticated: the dog and the turkey. We domesticated the dog and turkey as pets although some people ate them as a delicassy. It is important to realize that the dog and turkey were by no means necessary in our diet.

The "Dietary Triad" was and still is the most important part of our diet as many foods which were eaten by our ancestors are still eaten today (tortillas, pozole, atole, mole, gum which was used to clean the teeth, tamales etc.. etc..) The reason why a lot of Mexicans are overweight and unhealthy today is because we now also eat the animal meat brought by the Spaniards. Whats the problem with this? Well, we get the adequate amount of protein our body needs when we eat beans. If you add beef or chicken, you will be putting too much protein into your body and you will therefore gain weight. Never underestimate the value of your diet! You should always try to stick to our native foods as they are the most effecient in the world.

The three main crops are supplemented with four others which all together we call the Chikome Yaomeh (the 7 warriors). These crops are supplements to the three main crops and they provide the remaining nutrients and amino acids our bodies need.

Chile (Vitamin C)
Amaranth (Amaranto in Spanish is a seed which we used to make a flour like substance. When the Spaniards invaded, they oulawed its use and today it is mostly found in Mexican candy. The leaves of the plant were also used in soups.)

The road back to the indigenous way of living is a long one and each step is equally important as the next; we should strive to maintain a balance in spirit, mind and body.

Here are some articles elaborating on the topic of nutrition:

Diet, Nutrition, and Population Dynamics in the Basin of Mexico
Amaranth Making a Comeback
Cultivated Plants and Cultural Diffusion in Nuclear America
Identity of Archaeologocical Amaranths From the Valley of Tehuacan
Aztec-Period Agricultural Terraces: Evidence For Household-Level Agricultural Intensification
Growth of Agriculture in Mexico
Amaranth: Their History and Classification
Prehistoric Raised-Field Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands
Landscapes of Cultivation in Mesoamerica on the Eve of the Conquest
Mexica Agriculture and Mexica Cosmology
Aztec Patterns and Spanish Legacy (Nutrition Past, Nutrition Today)


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Academia Semillas del Pueblo

"If Brown (vs. Board of Education) was just about letting Black people into a White school, well we don’t care about that anymore. We don’t necessarily want to go to White schools. What we want to do is teach ourselves, teach our children the way we have of teaching. We don’t want to drink from a White water fountain...We don’t need a White water fountain. So the whole issue of segregation and the whole issue of the Civil Rights Movement is all within the box of White culture and White supremacy. We should not still be fighting for what they have. We are not interested in what they have because we have so much more and because the world is so much larger. And ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction. And so it isn’t about an argument of joining neo liberalism, it’s about us being able, as human beings, to surpass the barrier."

- Marcos Aguilar (Principal, Academia Semillas del Pueblo)


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